graphics of houses, a space rocket and the title "SEO" at the center
Tips & Tricks
February 18, 2024

How to Take Advantage of the Holiday Season as a Real Estate Agent

November and December are notoriously difficult months for real estate agents for a few reasons: Families want to be settled in their new homes in time for the holiday season, people tend to push big financial decisions into the new year, and conducting business around holidays and vacations can be challenging.

Instead of waiting around for the new year, we’ve compiled some tips for how real estate agents can take advantage of the slow months and be set for success come January, including:

  • Digital strategies (like emails, newsletters, and engaging social media posts)
  • In-person activities (like themed pop-bys, creative listing ideas, and client gifts)
  • Getting involved in your community while meeting potential new clients

Digital marketing strategies to stay top of mind during the holidays

Since many real estate agents take time off during the winter months, leveraging your availability and staying top of mind whenever possible is important. If you don’t want to invest in online ads, you can still add value to your sphere of influence with engaging content.

Holiday Email Newsletter

Thanksgiving is a great opportunity to — you guessed it — say thanks to your past clients! Research shows that it can be five times more expensive to attract a new client than retain an existing one. While it’s important to nurture past clients throughout the entire year, Thanksgiving is the perfect time to express gratitude and remind them that you’re still thinking of them.

If you’re looking to foster a closer relationship with existing clients, a holiday newsletter including a quick recap of your year, family photos, and any big milestones can help your clients get to know you on a deeper level.

Social Media

If you’re active on social media, you’re likely familiar with Canva and its multitude of templated graphics for any occasion. While posting on holidays is a good way to maintain an active profile, winter in general is a great time for engaging content such as:

  • A guide to decorating for the holidays
  • Contests — you can host a social media contest for practically anything — recipes, Christmas lights, holiday decor, gingerbread houses, and more! Make sure to ask participants to tag your account, or create your own hashtag to boost engagement.
  • A quick shoutout to your favorite local businesses on Small Business Saturday
  • Celebrate past clients on National Homeowners Day (December 26th)
  • Recapping the 2022 housing market and how you expect it to change in the coming year

In-person marketing strategies for real estate agents during the holidays

If you’re staying in town this holiday season, make the most of it with these non-digital marketing strategies.

Seasonal Pop-Bys and Client Gifts

We talk more about pop-bys in our blog post highlighting 15 Creative Lead Generation Tactics for Real Estate Agents. In short, they’re a great way to introduce yourself to new clients without actually having to speak to anyone!

We’ve collected the best, most creative holiday pop-by ideas on our Pinterest board, ranging from low-effort bags of popcorn with a punny note, to more involved holiday recipes (also complete with puns).

Open Houses and Listings

Vacant homes can look pretty depressing during the holidays, but Christmas lights and decorations can instantly take your listing from dreary to cheery! Better yet, add some seasonal flair to your open houses by offering:

  • Photos with Santa
  • A hot cocoa bar
  • A Christmas cookie station

To amp up the coziness, add some winter greenery, play some soft holiday music, and be sure to make the house smell as good as it looks with scents like pine, cinnamon, apples, or clove.

How to get involved in your community while generating real estate leads

The holidays are a time of generosity — what better way to celebrate than by giving back to your community?

Creative Charity Ideas

Organizing a food or toy donation drop-off is a great way to collect needed items for charity while meeting people. Make sure to run a social media campaign to really get the word out! Additionally, offering to donate a portion of your commission from all closings during the holiday season will make clients feel good, knowing that they’re working with someone who truly cares about the community they live in.

Join Showdigs

Taking Showdigs tours is a great way to meet renters (potential future buyers) in your community! Even if the people you meet aren’t ready to buy, they may connect with you and refer you to a friend, family member, or colleague looking to buy or sell. While we don’t allow steering, you’re always welcome to leave your contact information with prospects.

Learn more about how Showdigs can propel your real estate career to new heights in the new year.

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