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Tips & Tricks
February 18, 2024

How to Combat Real Estate Burnout as a Real Estate Agent

What is "real estate burnout"?

Real estate agents are notorious for working around the clock. It makes sense - real estate never sleeps, so why should you?

Here's the thing: working 12+ hour days non-stop can lead to burnout, the feeling like you're running out of gas. Sherrie Bourg Carter from describes burnout as “cynicism and detachment … feelings of ineffectiveness and lack of accomplishment.” Sound familiar?

Not only does burnout make you feel bad, but it affects your productivity as well.

Real estate burnout can cause chronic fatigue, forgetfulness, increased illness, anxiety - the list goes on. If you struggle with getting your real estate work done while also managing your household, keeping track of your family's schedule, maintaining relationships, juggling a second or third job, and taking care of yourself - real estate burnout is only going to make things worse.

Don't worry - it doesn't have to be this way!

How can you combat real estate burnout?

Now that you know what real estate burnout is and what it can look like, what are some ways you can combat it?

Create your team

As they say, "teamwork makes the dream work!" If you try to create a real estate career totally by yourself, you will stretch yourself way too thin. Consider creating or joining a team! This could look like:

  1. Partnering with another agent - a support system will not only keep you sane, but it will allow your schedule to be more flexible when you know you have someone who can cover you when needed.
  2. Work with a Transaction Coordinator - finding a transaction coordinator that you trust will alleviate so much stress and workload. If they're a licensed agent, that's even less you have to worry about!
  3. Join a team - From national brokerages to smaller ones, there are tons of real estate teams you can join. Pay attention to the benefits they offer, especially when it comes to flexible schedules and team support.

Practice time management

This one is a biggie. Time management is something a lot of us strive for, but it's easier said than done. Here are some time management tips to help you avoid/combat burnout:

  1. Checklists, routines, and time blocking - oh my! Use calendar reminders, take lots of notes (either in a real notebook or on your device), make checklists, and/or use a whiteboard. If you have a lot going on, writing things down and time blocking the sections of your day will help you stay organized!
  2. Work when it makes sense for YOU - if you're an early bird or a night owl, take advantage of when you work best! This could be early mornings before the kids are up, or late at night when your day has finally settled down. Pro tip: Schedule your emails to send during "normal" business hours in case you're working when others are not.
  3. Create a schedule for yourself - real estate agents don't have set schedules, but if you find that kind of structure to be helpful, create one for yourself! Even if it's just an outline of your day or week, it can help you stay on track and use your time wisely.

Reduce other stressors

If you aim to make your life easier, odds are things will get easier! Start by taking things off of your plate that aren't related to your real estate career, and you'll have more energy and mental bandwidth to put towards your job. Some examples of reducing stressors:

  1. Take housework out of the equation - hire a house cleaner, gardener, or nanny to take on some of the household work you do. Meet with your family to discuss distribution of chores. Pick up dinner on the way home, or better yet order delivery! Minimizing the amount of housework you have on your plate with help minimize your stress.
  2. Don't aim for perfection - real estate is always changing and so is your life. Try to do your best everyday, maximize what you're great at, and don't be afraid to get help where you need it.
  3. Take a break - sometimes, you just need a breather. Don't wait until you're pulling all your hair out to take a break - try to build break time into your days. Listen to your body and be kind to yourself!

The takeaway: You can combat real estate burnout

Stress isn't avoidable, but there are several ways to combat real estate burnout. Don't be afraid to ask for help and be sure to listen to your body!

If you're looking for a flexible side-gig, consider joining Showdigs! Showdigs pays local, licensed real estate agents to handle rental property tours (in select markets). Tours are quick and always nearby, and alerts come straight to your phone so it's easy to fit into your day.

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