Looking for the 2023 conference calendar?
As we look ahead to 2022, our team is excited and hopeful to attend as many in-person property management events as possible. While we were still able to meet and connect with many folks in the industry, we’re looking forward to hitting the ground running in the new year.
So, we compiled a list of 2022 trade shows, expos, and conferences for single family property managers - you might even find a multifamily event on this list as well!
The property management industry continues to grow in 2022
We expect 2022 to be a big year for the property management industry. The pandemic proved extremely challenging to property managers, who were hit especially hard in 2020 with COVID restrictions, tenants who couldn’t pay rent and the eviction moratorium, and migrating renters.
But by halfway through 2021, the industry had already bounced back and was growing as fast as it had been pre-pandemic. In fact, over the last two years, 73% of property managers have recently acquired new properties - and 86% plan to add new properties over the next two years [Buildium’s 2022 State of the Property Management Industry Report].
2022 Conferences, Trade Shows, and Expos for Single-Family Property Managers
Mark your calendars: Here are the 2022 events for single family property managers!
We will continue to update this page as more details are shared and conferences are announced. If you have any questions, please visit the respective conference websites for all updates and information.
NARPM Atlanta Chapter Vendor Trade Show
Date(s): January 20, 2022
Location: Atlanta, GA
Website: https://atlanta.narpm.org/events/
The NARPM Atlanta Chapter is hosting a Vendor Trade Show on January 20th at their January Chapter Meeting. Participants will have time before, during, and after the meeting to connect and speak with the membership.
PM Grow Summit 2022
Date(s): February 28 - March 2, 2022
Location: San Diego, CA
Website: https://pmgrowsummit.com/
This conference, created and hosted by Fourandhalf Marketing Agency for Property Managers, focuses on innovation and growth for property managers to get you “familiar with the latest in property management AI and tech, understand how to position yourself against the competition, and learn how to create time for you to work on your business, so that your team can run your business.”
NARPM Broker/Owner Conference & Expo
Date(s): March 28 - 30, 2022
Location: San Antonio, TX
Website: https://www.narpmbrokerowner.org/
The goal of the NARPM Broker/Owner Conference is to “arm you with the information you need to make important decisions in your business.” According to the event website, “access to this caliber of elite industry influencers sharing their expertise is rare; that’s why this event is only for dedicated business leaders.”
CALNARPM Conference & Trade Show
Date(s): April 20 - 22, 2022
Location: Napa, CA
Website: https://narpmcalifornia.org/conference/
Property Managers in California can attend the CALNARPM Conference “for networking, education, workshops, CA legislative and compliance updates, great guest speakers, and much more. At the CALNARPM Conference & Tradeshow you will learn how to run your business successfully in the unique regulatory and challenging business environment Property Managers encounter while operating in the State of California.”
Denver NARPM Conference
Date(s): April 20, 2022
Location: Denver, CO
Website: https://denver.narpm.org/events/2022-denver-colorado-property-management-conference/
This one-day event offers multiple sessions presented by national and local industry experts in the profession. Learn new techniques, technologies, and insights that you will be able to immediately implement into your business!
Single Family Rental Forum (East)
Date(s): May 23 - 25, 2022
Location: Miami, FL
Website: https://events.imn.org/event/01e1889f-f232-42b6-bbad-3c5e24d1708b/summary
The 10th edition of the SFR Forum East invites property managers to convene for an opportunity to hear from investors and leaders in the industry about how we can all push this thriving industry to even bigger and better things.
NARPM Northwest Region Conference
Date(s): May 23 - 24, 2022
Location: Boise, ID
Website: https://www.narpm.org/conferences/state-conferences/washington-state-conference
The chapters from the Northwest states are coming together once again to put on a conference for the Washington State Chapter! This includes our colleagues from Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Colorado, and Wyoming – all are invited and welcome!
NARPM Southern States Conference
Date(s): June 22 - 24, 2022
Location: Greenville, SC
Website: https://www.narpmsouthernstatesconference.com/
NARPM’s Southern States Conference “boasts attendance of approximately 175 of the profession’s most influential and qualified residential property managers throughout the Southeast.” It’s a great opportunity to network with others in the region and learn through a variety of classes and seminars.
NARPM Convention & Trade Show
Date(s): October 17 - 20, 2022
Location: Las Vegas, NV
Website: https://www.narpmconvention.com/
The 34th Annual NARPM Convention & Trade Show, Pivot Into The Future, will “share some of the major trends affecting property management in the next few years. NARPM is very excited to be able to offer innovative and timely content from presenters, impactful networking with industry peers, and the space to connect with sponsors and exhibitors from across the country.”
IREM Global Summit
Date(s): October 17 - 20, 2022
Location: Dallas, TX
Website: https://www.irem.org/events/global-summit
This international summit, hosted by the Institute of Real Estate Management, gathers over 600 attendees to “thrive together, be enlightened by the keynote speakers, and gain knowledge through education sessions.”
PM Nation Conference
Date(s): November, 2022
Location: TBD
Website: https://www.pmnationconference.com/
Powered by Buildium and Propertyware, this conference unites “500 of the most passionate and motivated property management professionals and coaches, as well as the top technology experts” to “tackle the topics and processes that keep you up at night, as well as sharpening your skills on the brass tacks.”
NMHC OPTECH Conference & Expo
Date(s): November 1 - 3, 2022
Location: Las Vegas, NV
Website: https://www.nmhc.org/meetings/calendar/OPTECH/2022-optech-conference-exposition/
This event, which is geared towards leaders in the multifamily sector, “offers an unparalleled educational and networking environment with exclusive peer-to-peer roundtables, property and revenue management workshops, and cutting edge content and speakers.”
We can’t wait to see you in 2022!
Be sure to check out our conference guide for how to make the most of these events.